Sunday, June 16, 2013

"That's why our air went out."

June 7, 2013

      This afternoon, in TEXAS need I remind you, our air conditioning stopped working. Are you kidding me? Helllllo heat stroke! All five of us ended up sleeping in our living room so we could put fans all over that one room and stay cool. An interesting night to say the least, but also a blessing in disguise. This evening some maintenance men from our neighborhood came over to see what the problem is. I was hiding away in my bedroom half asleep when I woke up and overheard mama talking with one of the men in the next room. Mama must have told him why we were living here temporarily, because when I woke up I heard him telling her about his church and the power of prayer and anointing with oil. Mama told him how I was anointed with oil and prayed over back at my home church. He goes on to tell her how he had once anointed and prayed over a man in his own home, how they didn't have the typical oil for anointing and just used whatever they had in the house because it isn't the oil that does the trick, it's our faith and believing in the power of prayer and God's power to heal His children. The next thing I knew mama and this maintenance man were walking into my bedroom. They asked if he could pray over me. Of course I will never turn down a prayer! He used olive oil from our kitchen and put a drop on my forehead. Then he prayed the most sincere prayer, asking for the Lord's healing. In the few minutes I spent with this man I could see his genuine love for Christ and his faith, trust, and belief in the Lord's healing power. This man was absolutely precious and such a prayer warrior. I am so thankful for this experience. I know without a doubt that the Lord had this man cross our path for a reason. Once the man left our house mama said, "That's why our air went out." She is exactly right!

“Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:” - James 5:14

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Whole World in His Hands

      For the past month or so one question has been weighing on my heart and mind. "How do people go through life's trials without having God in their life?" Thankfully, not everyone is in my situation, or ever has cancer hit close to home, but not one single person escapes a trial of some sort. Whether it's financial problems, divorce, illness, death of a lived one, addiction, etc everyone experiences struggles in their lifetime. How you choose to deal with them makes all the difference. Giving your situation to the Lord allows you an amount of peace and satisfaction that no other option could ever provide. As I continue on my journey, a trial that I never expected to face, much less in my twenties, I look back on all that I've been through and I truly believe there is no way I would have made it this far if it wasn't for my relationship with God. Life's trials are times when we should grow in our relationship with Christ, cling to Him, and rely on Him. We are so blessed to even have the ability to talk to the Creator of the universe, yet some people don't take Him up on this opportunity. During the trials I have faced I feel so thankful to be able to call upon the Lord anytime or anywhere. Not only can I talk to God but He is the ONLY One who can change my situation or help me endure it. Our friends and family may be good listeners, but they don't control the ultimate outcome, yet the Lord holds the whole world in His hands. He is the Great Physician, the ultimate Healer, the Prince of Peace, our Comforter, our Strength, and most importantly our Savior. If we reach out for the Lord He will never let go of our hands. Knowing all this and still seeing people try to face difficulties alone blows my mind. Some people try to be too prideful, too independent, to "need" God, when really He's the only thing any of us ever need.

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him." - Psalm 62:5

"Pray continually." - Thessalonians 5:17

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is steadfast, because they trust in You." - Isaiah 26:3