Wednesday, August 8, 2012

PET Scan

                This afternoon I went to Spartanburg Regional for my PET scan. This scan will tell if the cancer has spread to my lymph nodes or anywhere else in my body. I had to be injected with a dye and then drink what they called a contrast, which was a terrible, white drink that tasted like pool water. Then I just sat and watched TV for an hour and a half while the dye got into my system. Then it was time for the scan, which only took about thirty minutes. The worst part of this experience was the nasty drink! Everybody at the hospital was so nice and I could tell they were surprised by how positive and upbeat I was about my situation. That made me happy...hoping I made an impact!
                Later this afternoon, when I got home from the hospital I got an email from the job interview I had went on month’s earlier saying I had gotten the job. The only problem is that they are unaware of my cancer, so I will not be able to start yet. Still, it is such a blessing and an answered prayer! Thank You, Jesus!
“God is at work in your life right now. He is directing your steps. What you thought was a setback is going to turn out to be a setup.”

“When we put our cares in His hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.”

“You walk beside me giving strength I’ve never known…I rely on Your patience when I face the unknown and because of You I am not alone.” –I Am Not Alone, by Natalie Grant


                Dear Jesus, tomorrow I go to see my oncologist for the first time and I will find out the results from yesterday’s scan. I have faith in You Lord, I really do, but I am also nervous. I am so scared of getting the results. I trust You with my whole heart, Lord, and I put every ounce of faith I have in You and Your power to heal me and work a miracle in this situation. So Jesus, I pray that I will get a good report at the doctor tomorrow. Please Lord, I know that with You all things are possible and I truly believe that. Please just let me get good results. I beg You, Lord! I will give You all the glory, honor, and praise that You and only You deserve.

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